Roche Family News

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Roche Family News

Roche Family News

Saturday September 16, 2006

I visited in the early evening today. When I talked to Mom earlier, she said she was dressed and sitting in the chair. She looked better tonight but her breathing was very wheezy. They have her on oxygen again. We took a walk (wheelchair) outside and sat for awhile in the nice weather. She really enjoyed that. She has been ordering meals in her room. Can't convince her otherwise.

I had a chance to read over the records sent from Trinity (41pages). I was looking for inconsistencies in the med lists. They sent the two doctor reports from 8/11 and 8/24 at Trinity which included a med list each. They also had Dr. Christopher's notes from the first stay at Columbia. They sent therapy notes from OT,PT, and Speech but no day to day nursing notes and no med list that the nurses worked off of (the one they would copy for Dr. Altmann).

Both of the med lists include the synthroid. The 8/11 list had "Simvastatin 40 mg" but no Zocor. The 8/24 list had no Cozaar and a drug called "Losartan 50 mg" and no stool softener on either list. (Maria's answer to that was that St. Anne's protocol is to offer milk of magnesia for discomfort and a suppository if someone is constipated.)

If anyone wants to do a web search to find out what those other drugs were or if Bill or Diane knows, Maria could not find it in their PDR. But the bottom line is that Trinity's doctor notes state that she was on synthroid (levothyroxine). Bridge if you see something different on the med list that Dr. Altmann kept, maybe that is the answer. For now I don't know how it was missed in the hospital but it appears that it was being given at Trinity. Good catch, Bridge. We could have been looking at another hospital stay if you hadn't caught that.

I will be going to church with her on Sundays if anyone wants to join us, 9:45am. We are hoping to sit outside again.

By the way, for those who are interested, I checked her leg bandages today and they are wrapped only over the wound, so her leg is bulging above and below and there are ace bandages. Her legs are still extremely swollen. Not sure why no one can or will follow Dr. Altmann's orders.


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