Roche Family News

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Healthy Again

We met with the surgeon who took off Mom's toe today. He took out the stitches and said everything looked good. She has the OK to wear her own shoes and go back to getting her foot wet. She is very happy about that. She is walking with her walker although she is easily winded. Her back is bothering her again and she can't be on her feet too long but she is looking more like herself. She is doing a little coughing which is a worry but I am hoping it is just residual fluids from the last pneumonia bout. She was home for dinner tonight after the appointment and seemed right at home. She misses her puppy!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Better News

Mom has been on an increased diuretic for about a week now. She is looking a little better but still being treated for pneumonia. Not much energy or interest in anything but she did venture down to the Gathering Room with me on Sunday. Her foot seems to be healing alright and she is even hobbling around to the bathroom. We are hoping that she gets her hair done on Tuesday because that always makes her feel good.

Monday, February 12, 2007

One step backward

Mom's surgery is not the health issue right now. Since Wed. she has steadily put on water weight and is lethargic and having trouble breathing. Bridget found her so out, in her chair Saturday that she had trouble waking her. It turns out she was overmedicated.

I asked the nurse to check her on Sunday because of her raspy voice and gurgly breathing. The decision to call the doctor was postponed. So I waited for the second shift nurses who shared my concerns but when the doctor was called, she put off any action until Monday morning when she would see her at St. Anne's.

The Monday update is frustrating. They feel she has pneumonia and are treating it with antibiotics but still have not increased the diuretic to get rid of the fluid. I'm sure she is in congestive heart failure but they aren't treating that. All this wasted time really taxes her heart. Mom sounds and feels lousy. Her foot isn't paining her much so that is good. It is never easy.

Friday, February 09, 2007

48 hours later

So far so good! Mom's pain didn't hit until late Wed. night but they are managing it well and she is not uncomfortable. She is noticing that she forgets things more easily but I told her it was the medication and should be better once she heals. She is staying in her room but napping so she isn't complaining. She's a fighter!

PS. She has found the ST. Anne's resale shop and now has new incentive to get well. She went down before her surgery and bought herself a new dress. A cute one too! The woman looooves to shop.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

...and then there were 9

The surgery was successful and amazingly easy. It makes me wonder what is coming but for now, mom is comfortable and in no pain. Go figure. She ended up with no real restrictions. She has a boot and can walk around with it. She needs to keep her foot elevated when she sits. The hardest part was fasting from midnight. She didn't go in until 2:00 so she was hungry. They did NOT put her under and I think that was the saving grace. She has Vicodin if she needs it but she hasn't yet.

So feel free to call (527-6787) or visit. Her spirits are great! Thanks for all of the prayers. It's obvious they work.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Health Update

Mom has had some good news and some not so good news. She recently saw the wound specialist at Columbia and her leg wounds are completely healed. They did find a problem with one of her middle toes. It has rubbed raw from her shoes and they sent her to a surgeon.

The short story is that the surgeon feels that the toe should be removed. She is scheduled on Wed. Feb. 7th at 1:00 at St. Mary's Ozaukee. It is an outpatient procedure. She will need to be off of it until it heals. Not sure yet, what that will entail but it certainly will affect the good mobility that she has now. We'll have to see how it goes. I have concerns that she will be confused if she is back on pain meds again. Time will tell.