Roche Family News

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Weekend News

I spent the afternoon with Mom today. We sat out on the patio for awhile with Sam and Mom's favorite aide, Jessie. It was a beautiful day and she appreciated the fresh air. Then we headed in for Penny Bingo. No winners here but it filled some time. Sam sat quietly under the table. He is a hit whenever he visits.

Mom was looking pretty good except that her legs are swollen again and the left one, which has the worst skin issues, was looking red. She also has a red mottled look to the skin all over her trunk, sort of like a rash but not itchy. I asked the nurse to come and look at it.

The nurse checked her vitals and temp, blood pressure and pulse Ox are all OK. She had no answers about the redness or rash but I'm concerned. They are very hesitant to call a doctor, especially over the weekend. If it is still red when Colleen visits tomorrow we may have to insist that a call be put in. I hope they have learned that waiting with the antibiotics just makes her issues worse.

Pat and his family are due in on Thursday and she is really looking forward to spending some time at home.


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