Roche Family News

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Still Fighting

Mom is hanging in. The internist called me and said that he wanted to discharge her back to St. Anne's last Friday, on long term antibiotics. That requires that she have a PICC line put in to a major vein which then doesn't have to be changed every three days. I questioned whether St. Anne's could handle her. She isn't at all able to walk to a bathroom and St. Anne's doesn't keep patients on catheters. Even the IV would be unusual for them. St. Anne's said they would take her but then the infectious disease doctor (Dr. Altman) who is in charge of her wounds said no. She wants to look at it again on Monday so discharge would not be before Tuesday if then.

She is still pretty sick. I don't know if it's pain meds or the infection but she is very groggy and often talks as if she is half in a dream. She was asked her name in the OR for the PICC line and she said Wallace. She is eating very little and she is still very bloated or swollen with fluids, although her kidney function has improved. She's not out of the woods but we all feel safer with her in the hospital.

I'm headed up there this morning so if there is any more news, I'll be back later to report.


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