Roche Family News

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Great Grandma again

This will be a quick note but I will write more later. The great news is that Christopher and Andrea are new parents again. Ryley Elizabeth Urban was born on Tuesday and is just as cute as her big sister, Sydney. She came home today and Grandma Bridge can't wait to get her hands on her. I will post pictures next time.

Great Grandma Betty is not feeling well at all. She has not sprung back from these bouts of pneumonia and her breathing is very labored. We are waiting for some lab tests tomorrow to decide what the next move is. She doesn't want to go to the hospital but she is not giving up either. Hopefully, I will know more soon.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Better but not...

Mom has been cleared as far as pneumonia and she has finally tested negative for the MRSA infection she's had for months. Unfortunately, she is still coughing quite a bit and her energy is gone. She walked downstairs for meals one day in the last few weeks. She is spending a lot of time in her room. The good news is that she got her hair permed so she feels better about that. So no bad news but no good news either.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lots of Doctor Visits

Bridget and I got calls from St. Anne's yesterday. They were very worried about Mom's foot. There was a lot of discoloration on her toes and between them and they wanted her to see a vascular surgeon to rule out blood clots. The only time they could see her was 4:00 and then at St. Mary's Ozaukee. Bridget drew the short straw and took her up there, oxygen in tow, because she still has pneumonia. The doctor downplayed it and said come back in 2 weeks. We both thought it would have made much more sense if they had sent her to see the surgeon who took off the toe, but what do we know?!?

Then today, Bridge again carted Mom, oxygen and all, to see her cardiologist. He could still hear all of the crackling from the pneumonia but his concerns are more for the fluids she's retaining again. He is going to add another medication that will help the diuretic, I guess. He also wants to see her again.

Yesterday, there was a terrible traffic accident on the road that Bridget got caught in and today it was all this slippery snow. I keep reminding her that she has to think back 24 hours to when she was in sunny Florida for a nice relaxing 10 day vacation. She and Al and Colleen spent some time with Agnes, Patty, Patty's daughter Stacy, her husband and 1 year old. Kate Miller's daughter Cindy and husband and family live in FLA also. So they had a nice little reunion. They said Agnes looks wonderful! She will turn 94 this month! Gotta love those Roche genes!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Pneumonia again

One more time I'm afraid. The nagging cough on Tuesday was pneumonia by Friday. Mom is back on antibiotics and pretty worn out. She really struggles to breathe and then becomes anxious about it. Unfortunately they cut out the anti-anxiety meds from her med list so we have to go through the doctor to have that put back in place. I found out from one of the nurses that it is the state regulatory board who makes them delete meds to ensure that patients are not being overmedicated. They can't have some meds past a certain length of time so then it must be proven again that they are needed. For most people that means that they have to go without for awhile. Pretty backward system of health care. Anyway, I spent some time with Mom today and she was a little better. She said she wanted to go to Mass tomorrow morning so I'll see if she can make it.