end of July update
Not much to report. Mom is still fighting all of the extra fluids in her body. Her legs weep constantly and that just adds to the healing issues. She has an ulcer on the back of her leg again. Her weight went up 12 pounds in 16 days so they upped the water pill again. That can cause problems with her other levels so we'll see how it goes.
She has had trouble finding comfortable clothes since pants are uncomfortable when her weight fluctuates and it is hard to cover the bandages on her legs. I am sorry that I convinced her to say goodbye to her "Muu-Muus" of old since they are very hard to find now. Brendan and I made a trip to Goldmanns on Mitchell street and found an armful of them. It was quite an adventure and Brendan was very impressed with the world's oldest department store. It really is a fascinating relic!
Mom doesn't have much interest in anything these days. She stays in her room, in her chair. It is hard to pry her away. I did get her to church this week and we had a little coffee in the great room and then sat out on the patio for awhile. She really enjoyed it but when I ask her if she wants to, she'll say no thanks. She turns down any offers to join in activities and I guess I'm ready to give up on that. She will only go if someone is there to take her.
Mom's sister Kathleen and her granddaughter visited last week and brought her some chocolates. When I visited on Sunday, one of the aides tattled on her that she had finished the whole box in a couple of days. Needless to say her blood sugar was way out of whack. I guess we'll have to hide the treats from now on.
The Wallace family is planning a family picnic on the 11th. It will be at Mike Wallace's which is very near to St. Anne's. If all goes well, I'm hoping Mom can go over for awhile to see everyone. That will make her happy. Pat is hoping to make it up here one more time before school starts again too so she will have a few things to look forward to.