Too Busy to Blog
Roche Family News
For all who don't know, Mother is back in Columbia Hospital. Wed. evening, Bridge & Al were visiting when they witnessed an episode that looked like a short seizure. Bridge called the nurse who also saw it and told Bridge that they had seen it before. From 8:00 until the ambulance arrived, there were at least 8 more episodes. They arrived at Columbia's ER around 10:00 pm, greeted by Mick, Colleen, Brendan and I, Colleen, John, and Chris.
The ER docs felt these were heart related. V-tac episodes where her ventrical chamber is beating erratically. They stabilized her and she went to ICU around 3:30 in the AM. Bridget & Colleen & I stayed through the night and she didn't have another episode.
Dr. Thompson was in. He feels that a chemical imbalance between her potassium and magnesium which were very low and her thyroid which is still out of whack was causing the v-tac. He added potassium and changed meds and is watching her kidney output. She had one episode at dinner but no others. She has a urinary tract infection, some bacterial infection called c-difficile, and a staph infection in her wounds, so she is in isolation. That means anyone who enters the room has to gown up.
We found out that the synthroid error happened at Columbia so she was off her synthroid for about 10-11 days. Colleen and John stayed till about 9:00. It was John's birthday, so we celebrated with Chinese take out in the waiting room watching Grey's Anatomy. What a party!@!
Chris visited at noon and found Mom having trouble staying awake. She nodded off in the middle of talking and seemed confused. He reported it to the nurses. I saw her at dinner time and saw the same thing. She was in a chair, still has a catheter and occasional IV meds. Seems very tired. Still embarassed about her hair and wishing for a permanent. She hasn't given up yet!
Her blood sugar has been too low now so they are offering her juices. They have taken her off the methadone now as they feel that is the only med that could have contributed to this. They are trying a different pain med that starts with phen???
An associate of Dr. Thompson, I believe, was in to tell us of the med change. She said if the medication route doesn't work, another alternative is to implant a defibrillator that would shock her heart back into rhythm. Sounds extreme. Don't think that's an option at 87.
Checked in with the nurse. Her weight is up but they are being cautious about the Lasik, 20 mg. The new pain med is fentanyl and it is a patch that she wears. She has had no loose stools for 2 days. Dr. Deshpandi, who put in her pacemaker, was in to check on her. Now she is moving to a regular room on the second floor. Room 277, still in isolation. I asked about the other doctors following her. It will not be Dr. Hawes, she passed her off to the hospitalist and will just check in. Soap Opera!?!? Stay Tuned.
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