Roche Family NewsOur Family Care Angel, Stacy attended a staffing on Mom this week. I thought her update would be pertinent. They have since increased her diuretic to help with the heart failure and breathing. Brendan and Tim and I saw her Wed. night and she was very cheerful. No Oxygen. We brought Sam and that always makes her happy.
Here's what Stacy had to say:
I just wanted to give you an update on the staffing held at St. Anne's today.
Your mother was not present at the meeting. I attempted to find her before hand and found that her hallway was being waxed and blocked off. Later, I found that she was visiting with her sister and niece in the sunroom downstairs. (Kathleen snuck her a box of chocolates).
Pat (RN), Dagnia (Social worker), Kristi (dietician), Trish (Rehab director) and
Sara (activities) were present.
Pat reported that your mother had an x-ray completed on Tuesday and this came back clear for pneumonia. They did find that she has some mild heart failure and today had a call into Dr. Hawes for new orders which may be causing some of the respiratory issues. They had given her some nebulizer treatments yesterday and have her on oxygen for her to be comfortable but said that her oxygen stats were good. They also had adjusted her Potassium last week as her blood levels came back off. The blood test from this week came back normal. Pat also stated that her legs are looking good and that they are healing further.
Trish (rehab) reported that your mother is walking 60-70 feet with her walker
2-3 times during sessions. At this time she continues to make progress for
Medicare B. They are watching this and have some concerns that she may get into a cycle where she bottoms out and progress stops due to her health and will need to re-evaluate afterwards. They are aware that the ultimate goal would be for her to go home and will continue to work towards that.
Kristi (dietician) is reporting that your mother's appetite is very good. Her
weight is stable around 140 pounds give or take 5 pounds. She weighed 160 when she was admitted to St. Anne's and they attribute that to the water weight. She is going to be looking at the menu again for your mother and see if some more of the sweets can be allowed now that the diarrhea is attributed to the colitis and not the diet. I believe there was some kind of cream pie issue yesterday . . .
Sara (activities) reported that your mother is not participating in any
activities at this time. I talked with her that your mother tends to need some
more encouragement to get out of her room. Someone from the activities
department named Sharon is visiting one on one with your mother and they hope through this to get her knowing someone that she will feel comfortable to come down. She also has a nice group of ladies that she eats meals with that are social and the hope is that she may participate with them. Sara also said that your mother is tired a lot of the time and that she simply does not feel up to attending yet.
When I saw your mother, she really looked well in comparison to my last visit.
She was dressed and had her hair neatly done. She recognized me and we had a
nice talk. She did not complain of any pain to me and said that everyone is
treating her well at St. Anne's. I hope that the heart failure gets back under
control and that she continues to make additional progress.