Roche Family News

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Moving Again

Roche Family News
Bridget and I did meet with Dr. Lee. He filled us in on Mom's status and said that Dr. Thompson, the cardiologist wanted to keep her until later in the week. Dr. Lee will be moving on and another doctor takes over tomorrow.

Bridget met with the new Dr. at dinner time today. He is planning to discharge Mom tomorrow. She filled him in on our need to have things spelled out clearly and specifically for St. Anne's. She asked for a copy of the med list, as it has changed significantly, and a separate copy of the discharge notes just for the family. That way we know what has been specified and we can more easily check to see if his orders have been followed.

She will be leaving by ambulance. They do not feel she is strong enough for a van or car ride. Bridge challenged the decision to discharge her but was told that it was time. She will leave with a catheter in place for awhile.

Pat was there when Mom was discharged. He is here to check on her and to be a pallbearer at Ella Coughlin's funeral. She will keep the catheter until she is walking. She is also on oxygen. She sees Dr. Thompson in 3 weeks.

She is back in her old room at St. Anne's Room 215 and her phone number is 527-6787.


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